Letterform cube
The project was created for the promotion campaign of the XX. Arany Rajzszög Award. Our cube became one of many that were part of an installation later displayed at the exhibition.

On every sides of the cube, we placed a different letter designed by Amondo Szegi. They are: Sorry (a); Telegdi Old Style (X); Badacsony (N); Nexodus (z); and Godeny (R), which is the result of our joint effort and was my thesis work at Krea Design School.
Our original concept was to connect the outlines of the letters opposing each other. This gave us an exciting graphic map, that illustrates the process of letter design, and can also be interpreted as a three-dimensional object.

At the end this concept did not support readability, so instead of two connecting form we choose one point on the other shape to connect to. This way the shapes did not interfere with one an other and the object became cleaner and easier to read.